Issue with InfluxDB Cloud Data Transmission While Connected to Ethernet Controller on Raspberry Pi 5

Hello everyone,

I’m working on an industrial IoT project using a Raspberry Pi 5 where I need to fetch data from a data controller via an Ethernet port and store this data locally in InfluxDB. I then replicate this data to InfluxDB Cloud for remote access.

Here’s a quick overview of my setup:

Raspberry Pi Model: Raspberry Pi 5
OS: Ubuntu 23.10
Network Setup:
Ethernet Port 1: Connected to a data controller (IP: xx.xx.xx.xx)
Wi-Fi: Connected to the internet
Data Flow: Data fetched from the controller is stored in InfluxDB locally and then replicated to InfluxDB Cloud.
The Problem:
When the Ethernet connection is active, data is successfully fetched and stored locally in InfluxDB, but it fails to replicate to InfluxDB Cloud. However, as soon as I disconnect the Ethernet connection from the controller, the data replication to InfluxDB Cloud works perfectly fine.

It seems like the Ethernet connection to the controller is somehow interfering with the data transmission to the InfluxDB Cloud, even though I have Wi-Fi connected for internet access.

What I’ve Tried:
Verified that the Wi-Fi connection is stable and active when the controller is connected.
What I Need Help With:
Does anyone have any experience or insights into why the Raspberry Pi is failing to send data to InfluxDB Cloud while the Ethernet connection to the data controller is active? Is there a way to configure the network or routing settings to ensure that the Pi can send data to the cloud while simultaneously being connected to the controller?

Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

You need to investigate the networking settings such as routing table, firewall rules and also ensure dns resolution is working correctly by typing nslookup