Issue when specifying a Timestamp in Line Protocol

It seems I cannot upload a point specifying a Timestamp. If I enter this line:

certificates,category=BlendedLearning courseid=2403i,completion=100 1656367200000000

I get an error. If I drop the timestamp, I succeed:

certificates,category=BlendedLearning courseid=2403i,completion=100

Even this line taken from InfluxDB example section fails:

myMeasurement,tag1=value1,tag2=value2 fieldKey=“fieldValue” 1556813561098000000

Hello @dinofm,
What version of InfluxDB are you using?
I am not encountering the same problem. Those lines write successfully for me.
Can you please share your error?

Good morning Anais, I am using InfluxDB Cloud:
