Yesterday, our disk storing InfluxDB-data ran out of space. To gain some space on the disk, I wanted to drop some series, which was not possible as I changed the index from in-memory to TSI at some point in time. To cure this, I re-build the index following the description at
which involves deleting the the _series folders at data/<database_name>/
The process kind of worked, but now all the old data is gone. As it seems, data belonging to older shards than the most recent one is not accessible any more. The series/measurements belonging to “older” data are not accessible any more. New data under previously series IDs are coming in and data are accessible via these series IDs. However, data older than a certain age (about two days) seems to be lost and I cannot access data belonging to series/measurements which are currently not receiving new data.
The command “influx_inspect verify” does not show any problems with the TSM files.
Is there a way to restore the series information?