I have a problem with starting InfluxDB. I’m getting following error in log:
lvl=error msg=“Failed to connect to streaming server” log_id=0SG22jwl000 error=“read tcp> i/o timeout”
Feb 11 09:09:35 699ledaidb01-st influxd[2591]: Error: read tcp> i/o timeout
Feb 11 09:09:35 699ledaidb01-st influxd[2591]: See ‘influxd -h’ for help
Until today it worked normally. Problems started first with error “too many files opened” and after that it’s not possible to restart InfluxDB service.
you can increase it by issuing a command, but this is temporary. For a permanent increase you will need to edit a few files.
The instructions i have saved for my Ubuntu server
ulimit -n65535
This will only address the problem temporarily. To do this permanently we need to edit some files.
Files to edit:
Back all files up - Run this command for each file, creating a backup of each one in your home directory.
Sudo cp <path/to/file/> ~/filename
Edit sysctl:
Sudo nano /etc/sysctl.conf
Add the following line (in lowercase)
fs.file-max = 65535
Save the file and refresh -
sudo sysctl -p
Edit limits.conf
sudo nano /etc/security/limits.conf
Add the following
* soft nproc 65535
* hard nproc 65535
* soft nofile 65535
* hard nofile 65535
root soft nproc 65535
root hard nproc 65535
root soft nofile 65535
root hard nofile 65535
Edit /etc/pam.d/common-session
sudo nano /etc/pam.d/common-session
Add the following line
session required pam_limits.so
Once finished editing the required files logout of the session and log back in. Run the following command
ulimit -n
Those instructions have worked in the past for me, but i would recommend reading that article first. Just to be safe
thank you for your answer! In the meantime, I’ve solved the problem. And it’s true that the problem was with number of opened files, although that’s not so obvious from the error message in log.
I’ve increased maximum number of opened files but that was not all that needed to be configured. What helped at the end was adding following line to the influx service definition file:
Awesome, glad its sorted. I only recognised the symptoms because I’ve had the exact same issue with Kapacitor in the past. I don’t think i added the LimitNOFILE part to the service definition. Slept since then