InfluxDB task missing in UI

I can’t find the tasks options in the ui, and I can’t really find any information about why the option isn’t listed on the sidebar. I found a topic from last year with a similar issue but there was no answer. I’m using the free plan which states I can have up to 5 tasks but right now I can’t even make one.

Heres what my page looks like.

Hello @Nimgrg,
Can you verify what version you’re using first? On the home page you’ll see the version listed on the bottom right. Can you share a screenshot of that?

You can still create tasks with influxdb cloud severless, but only through the CLI:

Here it is

I have another account that was made around 2 years ago, that seems to be a different version, and it does have the task feature visible. On that account it says powered by TSM, storage engine version 2.

So are you not able to create an account using an older version? Its not a problem, just wanted some clarification.

I have the same problem. I cannot find the Task UI.

Welcome @Frog_Nation to the InfluxDB forum.

It appears you are using InfluxDB Cloud v3. As @pauldix stated in this post from June 2023: