Is there any API available for Task/Alert?

Is there there any API available for Alert or Task where I can setup Checks, Endpoint and Rule from my Python application.

Hello @debnath,
Absolutely. You can create Alerts and tasks with the InfluxDB v2 API. Some examples for getting the flux behind checks, notification endpoints, and notification rules are here:

or for example to get the a specific check:

curl -X GET \ \
  -H 'authorization: Token Oxxx….my_token...xxxBg==' \

here’s the docs on how to post a new check:

Unfortunately task management isn’t built into the python client yet.

Please let me know if you need help with anything in particular.

Finally, what type of app are you building? That sounds exciting.

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@Anaisdg Thank you so much for that help.
I am building an application as POC to check if we use influxdb2 as time series database then what will be the scope and how frequent we are getting data. I used influxdb 1.8 but 2 has some existing features like rule condition action. So I’m trying to get some meaning out of it. So that we can use it in our main steam application.

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