influxDB does not start up when WAL is configured

The write ahead log seems to be broken both if the configuration is set for a different destination disk and if “wal-fsync-delay” is set to a non-zero value.

Is any one using WAL?

I am running the Docker version 1.8.3

When I configure the “wal-dir” to be on a different SSD drive then the meta and data “dir” influxDB will not initialize successfully on startup. I get this over and over as it keeps restarting:

Here are the settings I changed in the influxdb.config

dir = “/var/lib/influxdb-data2/meta”
dir = “/var/lib/influxdb-data2/data”
wal-dir = “/var/lib/influxdb-data3/wal”
wal-fsync-delay = “10s”

Here is the influxdb log which ends in “influxdb init process failed.”

ts=2021-09-03T18:19:18.566036Z lvl=info msg=“Starting retention policy enforcement service” log_id=0WND~jLG000 service=retention check_interval=30m
ts=2021-09-03T18:19:18.566177Z lvl=info msg=“Listening for signals” log_id=0WND~jLG000
ts=2021-09-03T18:19:18.576075Z lvl=info msg=“Sending usage statistics to” log_id=0WND~jLG000
influxdb init process in progress…
influxdb init process in progress…
influxdb init process in progress…
influxdb init process in progress…
influxdb init process in progress…
influxdb init process in progress…
influxdb init process failed.

Hello @Bill_Hase,
Welcome. I’m not sure. Does influx run for you with the default locations?

Yes it seems to run alright with defaults but I thought the point of WAL speed up was to move it to a different drive. This does not seem to work. It works initially with an empty database but not after a restart. Then I get the “influxdb init process failed.”