I’m new to both InfluxDB and newish to Linux.
I’m trying to setup influxdb + telegraf (then Grafana). Now i’ve got the basics install, influxdb and telegraf and all is running and telegraf is sending data on the local machine.
Now i want to get influx+telegraf into SSL HTTPS. but having issues getting a config file setup and running.
If i manually run
influxd --tls-cert=“/etc/letsencrypt/live//fullchain.pem” --tls-key=“/etc/letsencrypt/live//privkey.pem”
that runs and i can get onto the web ui via https://:8086
I installed on CentOS8 via the RPM package so run via systemctl. How do i create a config file and add the SSL certificates to get it running under https?
I’ve tried creating a .yml file and setting the config file path
export INFLUXD_CONFIG_PATH=/etc/influxdb/influxdb.yml
But that doesn’t seem to do anything.
Also tried
influx config create --active -n config-name -u http://localhost:8086 -t mySuP3rS3cr3tT0keN -o example-org
but not sure where to edit and add the SSL stuff.