InfluxDB 2 backup fails: failed to backup metadata, error unexpected EOF

Hi, I’am trying to back up my influxDB 2 data using the following command:

influx backup -b bucketGB ./backupfolder/

but the backup fails and I get the following response:

2022/03/30 11:03:40 INFO: Downloading metadata snapshot
Error: failed to backup metadata: failed to save local copy of SQL backup to "20220330T090340Z.sqlite": unexpected EOF

I tried to fix the problem to no avail. Can you help me?

Hello @Giovanni_Baglietto,
No this error doesn’t make any sense to me. Let me ask around. Thanks

Hi @Giovanni_Baglietto - are there any messages in the influxdb 2 instance’s log when this happens?

Also what versions of InfluxDB and the Influx CLI are you using? Possibly some kind of version mismatch could be happening.

Hi @Samuel_Arnold @Anaisdg, thanks for the reply but I solved the problem, it was an issue of space in the directory path

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