I am using influxdb 1.7.4 version and facing “out of memory” issue while restarting influxd service. Also while running influx command to connect database it is giving “Failed to connect to http://localhost:8086”
Request help on fixing these issues
List of issues: Issue1.
influxd[7097]: fatal error: runtime: out of memory
influxd[7097]: runtime stack:
influxd[7097]: runtime.throw(0x123d974, 0x16)
influxd[7097]: #011/usr/local/go/src/runtime/panic.go:608 +0x72
influxd[7097]: runtime.sysMap(0xc49c000000, 0x4000000, 0x1da9518)
Hello @ashish.singh1,
Welcome! Can you please upgrade to 1.7.10 or 2.0.0-beta.6?
Have you successfully run Influx before?
How did you install it and what are you running it on?
Finally, have you changed your influxdb.conf?
Thank you
I really can’t help with this one as it is something on your ubuntu server side. When you run free -m, what does it say? I am guessing you are running too many things on that server and you don’t have enough ram
@Esity Only influxdb service is consuming CPU and RAM. If I stop this service RAM and CPU has enough capacity. See below output of Top and free command
var/lib/influxdb# free -g
total used free shared buff/cache available
Mem: 17 17 0 0 0 0
@ashish.singh1 How big is the director that your influxdb data lives? You can run this sudo du -sh /var/lib/influxdb/data/* to determine it assume it is in the default path
I had the same issue with this. Turns out that the telegraf database had grown to 2.7g. Compare to data being used at 400,000+ data points at 56M. Deleted entire telegraf folder at /var/lib/influxdb/data/telegraf and instance booted up fine.
Tip: Found that telegraf.conf was recording metrics every 1s with no retention policy. see ‘/etc/telegraf/telegraf.conf’.