Hi group,
I have a influxdb2 running in a docker container on GCP. The container has a google provisioned persistent volume mounted in the data folder so that my records persist any container restart/version bumps, etc.
The container has been running since december last year and I would have expected data to be coming in rather frequently since then. I took a look in one my primary bucket now, and I saw this:
influx query "from(bucket: \"my-bucket\") |> range(start: 0) |> filter(fn: (r) => r._field == \"pressure\")"
And to my dismay the oldest record I had was:
Table: keys: [_start, _stop, _field, _measurement, device_id, device_identifier, gateway_id_0, gateway_id_1, hardware_serial]
_start:time _stop:time _field:string _measurement:string device_id:string device_identifier:string gateway_id_0:string gateway_id_1:string hardware_serial:string _time:time _value:float
------------------------------ ------------------------------ ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ------------------------ ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ------------------------------ ----------------------------
1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000000Z 2024-07-01T07:09:08.917346310Z pressure OBFUSCATED 1 OBFUSCATED2 OBFUSCATED3 OBFUSCATED3 OBFUSCATED4 2024-06-26T22:52:13.163000000Z 1008
I further queryed the bucket configuration which looks like this:
ID Name Retention Shard group duration Organization ID Schema Type
hidden1 my-bucket infinite 168h0m0s hidden2 implicit
I have no scripts or cron jobs running that should clear out data. The container is based on the image influxdb:latest
What else could I check ?