Index in telegraf

I am calling datas from two different snmp tables. One indexes as 1,2,3,… but whereas the other indexes as 10001,10002,10003,… So when I want to merge the two data’s with index_as_tag = true it doesn’t work. Could you give me an idea on how to merge the data. There are no common data’s with the two tables so i couldn’t use secodary table.

You probably need to fix the tag first, either with the starlark or regex processor…

How do I get that specific index of a table and fix it because I’ll need the result to be in a single output table so when I use index as tag it would just get one of the index right

Can you share what the two OIDs are? If there are no common pieces to them, I am confused why you would want to merge them

I’ll need to merge the ifinoctects and csubsessionusername . oids

Checked a few of our devices and didn’t get a hit for one that has the same OID used on them for a comparison. Generally when I have an issue like this I go the route of creating it as a python script and just running it through inputs.exec instead. Thats usually my go to route if it can’t be easily solved with post processing.