How to Write to a influx DB hosted in AWS Ec2 instance

Hello Everyone,

I have an AWS Ec2 instance hosted in Private Ip4 address . I have installed Influx db and the influx db server is running and also i have enabled https. So, on using ‘influx -ssl -unsafeSsl’ , am able to connect to https://localhost:8086.

Also, In my ec2 instance, i have also configured Load balancer for port 443 (default port for https) and uploaded the self signed certificate to my IAM. And in target group, i have also added port 8086 so that my load balancer listens to the traffic from 8086 port.

Now, my question is how can i write to the influx db in my ec2 instance using influx API ?

Hello @vikram,
You’ll have use the public DNS.
This blog might be slightly useful to you

Let me know if you have any further questions.