How to monitor organizations in influxdb

I have created a new organization in InfluxDB OSS and given a bucket name while creating it.
I see there are 2 buckets automatically created: “_monitoring” & “_tasks”.

I am wondering that the “_monitoring” bucket is used to store the internal metrics of that particular organization. If yes how to enable it, because currently i don’t seen any metrics there.

@Rishav_Kumar_Jha, the _monitoring bucket is a system bucket used by the InfluxDB checks and notifications system. If you haven’t set up and checks or notifications. There won’t be any data here.

InfluxDB does emit internal metrics in Prometheus format via the /metrics endpoint, but it doesn’t store them by default. You can set up a scraper, a Flux task, or use Telegraf to capture these metrics and store them in a bucket if you want. The Scrape Prometheus metrics documentation provides more information.