Hey folks,
Newly started using Flux and am prototyping queries using curl and the /api/v2
It was fast work to adapt the examples in the docs to compose useful queries, however I want to perform string manipulation (which is why I stated with Flux) now and need to import functions (as shown in the docs but with no context AFAICS).
Where would I for example add this:
import "strings"
strings.split(v: "a flux of foxes", t: " ")
to a query where I want to perform string manipulation on a tag value to search:
curl -XPOST localhost:8086/api/v2/query -sS \
-H 'Content-type:application/vnd.flux' \
-d 'from(bucket:"epoch")
|> range(start:-5y)
|> filter(fn:(r) => r._measurement == "epoch_series")
|> filter(fn: (r) => r.subject_and_start_time == "net 2021-10-27T07:30:06Z")'
Could some please pass me the syntax for this as I have searched and not been able to find any working example is
Thanks a lot and thanks for Flux