Dear All,
I want to monitor telegraf status. Is there any way to get telegraf internal metrics , like memory usage, how many metrics telegraf processing per min , queue size , and output the metrics to influx or graphite.
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You can enable this plugin: telegraf/plugins/inputs/internal at master · influxdata/telegraf · GitHub
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Dear Daniel,
Thank you for the information and it works. I can get the internal metrics now.
Dear @Daniel_Li,
After I enable the internal plugin, I find the telegraf mem usage is very smaller than ps command show, is it right?
telegraf config
collect_memstats = true
name_prefix = "tngxxxx.telegraf-health."
## TCP endpoint for your graphite instance.
## If multiple endpoints are configured, output will be load balanced.
## Only one of the endpoints will be written to with each iteration.
servers = ["xxxx:2013","xxxx:2013"]
## Prefix metrics name
prefix = ""
## Graphite output template
## see
template = "host.tags.measurement.field"
## timeout in seconds for the write connection to graphite
timeout = 2
#ps aux |grep telegraf
telegraf 12522 0.4 0.2 306916 18300 ? Ssl 15:16 0:29 /usr/bin/telegraf -config
/etc/telegraf/telegraf.conf -config-directory /etc/telegraf/telegraf.d
@fann_keyboard If you are using telegraf you can easily get a much better user experience with InfluxDB and Chronograf. Might be worth checking out!
Dear @jackzampolin,
Thank you for the suggestion, but our production is still using graphite, so we don’t change it in this moment. I think the telegraf internal metrics value, no matter into influx or into graphite, should be the same.