How to convert influxdb query to Kapacitor TICK script?


how can i convert influxdb query to Kapacitor TICK script in a batch node.
In terminal when i queried the below command
SELECT min(usage_user) FROM "telegraf"."autogen"."cpu" WHERE cpu = 'cpu-total' AND time > now()-7d

name: cpu
time                min
----                ---
1548634875000000000 0.1752190237792004

But in TICK script

var weeklyMinimum = batch
    |query('''SELECT mean(usage_user) AS usage_user FROM "telegraf"."autogen"."cpu"  WHERE cpu = 'cpu-total' ''')


Which is completely different from the influxdb query ?


Hi @BhanuKiran

One query is using min and one is using mean

HI Sorry,
I just checked this mistake.

No problem, happy to be the rubber duck!