Kapacitor and subqueries?


I am trying to backfill some data using subquery with Kapacitor. The TICK script looks like this:

var test = batch
        SELECT SUM("mean") from (SELECT mean("value") FROM "collectd"."default".value"
        WHERE "host" =~ /^(..).[0-9]*.example.com/
        AND "type_instance" = 'default_interface_rx')
        .groupBy(time(1h), *)

After defining the script I am trying to record the batch of the past day with:
kapacitor record batch -task one_by_one -past 1d , but I am getting an error:

failed to parse InfluxQL query: found (, expected identifier at line 2, char 33

Looks like there is an error in the query itself? Any help would be appreciated.


@Marijus Does that query return any data if you run it against your InfluxDB instance? It is giving me a parse error locally. Also can you please include your influxd and kapacitor versions?

Kapacitor does not currently (v1.2) support subqueries. Support will come in a later release.

@jackzampolin, sure, I am using:

InfluxDB 1.2.0-1
Kapacitor 1.2.0-1

With the query I can get the results:

SELECT SUM(“mean”) from (SELECT mean(“value”) FROM “collectd”.“default”.“value” WHERE “host” =~ /^(…).[0-9]*.example.com/ AND “type_instance” = ‘default_interface_rx’ AND time > now() - 1h GROUP BY time(1h))
name: value
time sum

0 6.187313478441984e+13

@nathaniel, thank You for the update!
Is there an easy way to sum the value in this case in other way?

Yes, Make the batch query the inner query and then perform the suming operation in Kapacitor with the |sum() node.

var test = batch
        SELECT mean("value") FROM "collectd"."default".value"
        WHERE "host" =~ /^(..).[0-9]*.example.com/
        AND "type_instance" = 'default_interface_rx'
        .groupBy(time(1h), *)

Something along those lines


I tried it, but this solution doesn’t work for me either. What I want to achieve is to have the sum of default_interface_rx of all hosts that falls into this regular expression: /^(…).[0-9]*.example.com/. Instead, I am still getting

select * from test where time > now() - 2h
name: test
time                 host              sum                    type_instance
2017-03-10T09:00:00Z xxx.example.com   7.513598842337522e+13  default_interface_rx
2017-03-10T09:00:00Z xxx.example.com   7.747260959693897e+13  default_interface_rx
2017-03-10T09:00:00Z xxx.example.com   6.372869431513417e+11  default_interface_rx
2017-03-10T09:00:00Z xxx.example.com   2.4050401161566e+12    default_interface_rx

Looks like I am grouping incorrectly, or how the sum node works in this situation?

I am having a similar issue, i need to put a sum query to an anomalie ml model, and i cant execute the entire query, and i dont know how to do it…

the exactly query i need to parse and works me in influxdb is:

SELECT sum(brs) FROM(SELECT mean(“batch_requests”) as brs FROM nagios_mssqlserver.“autogen”.“batch_requests” WHERE time > now() - 6h AND (“host_name”=‘demunsql1702.production.ecom.techdata’ OR “host_name”=‘demunsql1707.production.ecom.techdata’ OR “host_name”=‘demunsql1708.production.ecom.techdata’ OR “host_name”=‘demunsql1709.production.ecom.techdata’ OR “host_name”=‘demunsql1710.production.ecom.techdata’) GROUP BY host_name, time(10m) ) WHERE time > now() - 6h GROUP BY time(10m)

Anybody can help me please? i dont know to much about batch tick scripts…

Thanks in advice