How to control graphite fileds/tags order/hierarchy from telegraf config?


We just started collecting iptables metrics with iptables telegraf input and sending them to the graphite output.
Here are the config of one node:

   location = "dc1"
   tier = "live"
   role = "intfw"
   lsbdistdescription = "wheezy"
    hostname = "intfw1-test"
  namepass = ["iptables"]
  key = "ruleid"
  pattern = "[:.,\\s]"
  replacement = "_"
  prefix = "telegraf"
  template = "host.tags.measurement.field"
  table = "filter"
  chains = ["INPUT","FORWARD","OUTPUT"]

As the result of such config we expect graphite fields hierarchy like this:

telegraf ( == outputs.graphite prefix )
└── intfw1-test ( == host from outputs.graphite template )
    └── dc1 ( == first global tag from outputs.graphite template tags (global_tags.location))
        └── live  ( == global_tags.tier)
            └── intfw ( == global_tags.role)
                └── wheezy ( == global_tags.lsbdistdescription )
                    └── iptables ( == measurment(inputs.iptables))
                        └── filter  ( == first tag from inputs.iptables, table)
                            └── INPUT( == 2nd tag from inputs.iptables, chain)
                                └── allow_monitoring ( == 3rd tag from inputs.iptables, ruleid)
                                    └── pkts.wsp (field)

but, at fact, we’re getting this structure:

└── intfw1-test
    └── INPUT
        └── dc1
            └── wheezy
                └── intfw
                    └── allow_monitoring
                        └── filter
                            └── live
                                └── iptables
                                    └── pkts.wsp

i.e. global_tags and tags from iptables.input get mixed in some weird way. Is there any opportunity to control such hierarchy from telegraf configuration?