I am using influxdbr to read data from InfluxDb (GitHub - dleutnant/influxdbr: R Interface for InfluxDB) in R. I have two questions
1 - Influxdbr only returns first 50 characters from Field, can this behavior change?
Here is my R code:
# Opens connection to InfluxDb
con <- influxdbr::influx_connection(host = "host",
port = 8086,
user = "username",
pass = "password")
# select FileScanner values
fs_values <- influxdbr::influx_select(con = con,
db = "AppStats",
value = "Filename",
from = "GTIF_FS",
limit = 100,
return_xts = TRUE
\abc\abcfmfiles\group\ftp\CRMurexExport\MxCR_20170320_03087.txt will become \abc\abcfiles\group\ftp\CRMurexExport\MxC
2 - Influxdbr seems to be inactive, what is the prefer way to read data from InfluxDb?