Hello. Here to say hi and ask questions


Im new to the world of databases and real-time monitoring. The only real reason i have databases is some containers and applications in my lab need a database loaded for them to run.
I was scrolling through grafana data sources and came across influxDB and saw it had integrations with Linux, FreeBSD, docker and Kubernetes. I use them alot and would like to make influxDB part of my infrastructure for home and work.

Now after that rambling :slight_smile: on to my question. What are some useful sources and tutorial that i can use to try and learn more so that i may and incorporate influxDB into my lab. as stated i have docker vms, Kubernetes nodes, Linux vms, and a FreeBSD firewall

Thanks for the help

Hi @BrodieCyber,
Welcome to the community! I would check out our book: https://awesome.influxdata.com/


i am getting an issue in telegraf
2024-06-17T07:22:03Z E! [processors.parser::lcmparser] could not parse field log_json: invalid character ā€˜-ā€™ after array element

[[processor.parser]] parsing the log_json field but i am getting valid and invalid json format in log_json field
if processor.parser found invalid json in the log_json field then it gives the issue

alias = ā€œabc-serviceloginputā€
files = [ā€œ/var/log/containers/abc-service*ā€]
data_format = ā€œgrokā€
grok_patterns = [ā€˜(?:%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:log_timestamp})(?:%{SPACE})(?:%{WORD:log_stream})(?:%{SPACE})(?:%{WORD:log_type})(?:%{SPACE})(?:%{GREEDYDATA:log_json})ā€™]
tags = {indexname=ā€œabc-serviceā€, abc_service_logs = ā€œabc-serviceā€}

alias = ā€œabcparserā€
tagpass = {abc_service_logs = [ā€œabc-serviceā€] }
parse_fields = [ā€œlog_jsonā€]
merge = ā€œoverrideā€
data_format = ā€œjsonā€
json_string_fields = [ā€œ*ā€]

alias = ā€œabcoutputā€
tagpass = {abc_service_logs = [ā€œabc-serviceā€] }
urls = [ā€œhttp://of-opensearch-master:9200ā€]
index_name = ā€œ{{indexname}}-%Y.%m.%dā€
username = ā€œ"
password = "
metric_batch_size = 100

Can you please help me to solve this kind of issue