Group by time(Variable)


I’m trying to make a non derivative query with an interval that come from the database:

select * from "test_interval" limit 2
name: test_interval
time                 tag1 host     interval meter_type ns       task_name     test value
----                 ------ ----     -------- ---------- --       ---------     ---- -----
2020-04-23T00:00:00Z test   server01 10s      ram        foo task1 10s  41
2020-04-23T00:00:00Z test   server01 10s      time       foo task1 10s  39

interval is a tag, test is a value.

When querying I got this:

SELECT non_negative_derivative(mean("value")) FROM "test_interval" WHERE time >= now() - 12h GROUP BY time("interval")
ERR: time dimension must have duration argument

SELECT non_negative_derivative(mean("value")) FROM "test_interval" WHERE time >= now() - 12h GROUP BY time("test")
ERR: time dimension must have duration argument

Got same behavior with influx 1.8 and 1.6.

Is there a way to group by time with an interval from a db field ?

Best regards,