Query with GROUP BY time(<time_interval>) not working

Hi, not sure where to get help, so trying here.
I’ve sign to InfluxDB Cloud and trying some queries. And it seams that I’m having trouble using GROUP BY time(<time_interval>)

So something like this works fine:

SELECT sum("quantity") FROM "orders"
WHERE time >= '2024-02-01' AND time <= '2024-03-01'
GROUP BY "ref"

But not this:

SELECT sum("quantity") FROM "orders"
WHERE time >= '2024-02-01' AND time <= '2024-03-01'
GROUP BY time(10s)

That gives me an error:

executing query: failed to create Flight record reader: arrow/flight: could not create flight reader: arrow/ipc: could not read schema from stream: arrow/ipc: could not read message schema: rpc error: code = InvalidArgument desc = Error while planning query: SQL error: ParserError("Expected ), found: s")

What I’m doing wrong?

+1 to this error. I’m getting it from the data explorer in influxdb cloud.

select max(o) from nq_1min group by time(5m);

executing query: failed to create Flight record reader: arrow/flight: could not create flight reader: arrow/ipc: could not read schema from stream: arrow/ipc: could not read message schema: rpc error: code = InvalidArgument desc = Error while planning query: SQL error: ParserError("Expected ), found: m")

Did you guys get to the bottom of this? I’ve just signed up and have come across the same issue…

EDIT: I think I figured it out, the explorer uses SQL but I believe the time syntax is InfluxQL

SQL syntax can be found here: