It seems as it should be pretty straightforward but likely I’m missing some part.
I’m collecting some power data in PDUs (but it can be anything) every 30 seconds.
time rack_tag power_watt
1504696559000000000 15 1015
1504696559000000000 16 1016
1504696559000000000 17 1017
1504696589000000000 15 2015
1504696589000000000 16 2016
1504696589000000000 17 2017
Now I want to graph a sum of power usage in all racks with something like:
SELECT sum(“power_watt”) FROM “measurement” WHERE AND $timeFilter GROUP BY time(30s) fill(previous)
It works pretty fine, but only if there is not time drift while entering the data. If for example the data is being entered a milionth of second earlier - my sum graph has “mountains” on it because it sums up two batches in one interval, and zero in another.
Question - is there a way to do this smarter?
Could I somehow put in a batch tag so that influx can group on them? Still sounds a bit odd, but couldn’t find any exact solution for that.