Giraffe and two lines graph

Hi there,

I would like to replace grafana by giraffe.
With the examples, I’m able to create a graph with a line of values, but I don’t know how to add a second line in the same graph.

Any example ?
Thank you

What I have done. I’m not using JSX:

class PlotRenderer extends React.Component {
    render() {
        var style =;
        var tsSerie = this.props.tsSerie;
        var valueSerie = this.props.valueSerie;
        var tokenName = this.props.tokenName;
        var gridColor = this.props.gridColor || "#d9d9d9";
        var interpolation = this.props.interpolation || "monotoneX";

        var lineLayer = {
            type: "line",
            x: "_time",
            y: tokenName,
            colors: ["green", "red", "yellow"],
            interpolation: interpolation

        var table = Giraffe.newTable(tsSerie.length)
            .addColumn("_time", "dateTime:RFC3339", "time", tsSerie)
            .addColumn(tokenName, "integer", "number", valueSerie)

        var config = {
            layers: [lineLayer],
            gridColor: gridColor

        var SimplePlot = React.createElement(Giraffe.Plot, {config}, tokenName);
        return React.createElement("div", {style}, SimplePlot);

And it’s called by

function renderGraf(component, props) {
    var grafDiv = document.getElementById("graph_giraffe");
        React.createElement(component, props),

renderGraf(PlotRenderer, props);

It works well with ine graph, but I want to give the user ti be able to add a graph for another valueSerie he selects on the same tsSerie (like in the example StoryBook in line graph tab)

Thank you for your help

Hello @jeleb,
that’s cool! Just out of curiosity what’s your use case? Can you tell me a little more about what you’re building?
Let me ask around :slight_smile:

Hello @Anaisdg
My purpose is to create a graph with some element selected from a list of events. Events are named and counted in a InfluxDB v2, and the users can select all the events from the list they want to see in the same graph.

Hi @jeleb. It looks like you are trying to say that your data should show multiple lines in a single graph. To do so, your data must include a column that will identify separate lines. In addition, you must use the “fill” property in your lineLayer
So, in your code you must change:

        var lineLayer = {
            type: "line",
            x: "_time",
            y: tokenName,
            fill: ["columnKey"], // REPLACE "columnKey" with the actual name of the column (the first argument to the addColumn function)
            colors: ["green", "red", "yellow"],
            interpolation: interpolation

        var table = Giraffe.newTable(tsSerie.length)
            .addColumn("_time", "dateTime:RFC3339", "time", tsSerie)
            .addColumn(tokenName, "integer", "number", valueSerie)
            .addColumn("columnKey", "string", "string", ["line1", "line1",...,"line2", "line2"] // note: not real code, replace with real code with real column

Another example would be the quick start guide in our Giraffe repository, located here: giraffe/ at master · influxdata/giraffe · GitHub

Step 7 and 8 would look like this:

const lineLayer = {
  type: "line",
  x: "_time",
  y: "_value",
  fill: ["name"]

const table = Giraffe.newTable(6)
  .addColumn('_time', 'dateTime:RFC3339', 'time', [1589838401244, 1589838461244, 1589838521244, 1589838401244, 1589838461244, 1589838521244])
  .addColumn('_value', 'double', 'number', [2.58, 7.11, 4.79, 2.0, 6.5, 3.2])
  .addColumn('name', 'string', 'string', ['line1', 'line1', 'line1', 'line2', 'line2', 'line2']);

Alternatively, another way instead of using “table” you may also use “fluxResponse” and use an annotated CSV string as the value for “fluxResponse”. something like this:

        var csv = `#group,false,false,true,true,false,false,true,true,true,true

        var lineLayer = {
            type: "line",
            x: "_time",
            y: tokenName,
            fill: ["result", "_field", "_measurement", "cpu", "host"],
            colors: ["green", "red", "yellow"],
            interpolation: interpolation

        var config = {
            fluxResponse: csv,
            layers: [lineLayer],
            gridColor: gridColor

Beware of the spacing in the csv variable. it must be exactly as shown. See our documentation on annotated CSV for more information.

You can also adjust the “fill” property with fewer columnKeys in given example to see less or more information when you hover the graph

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Alternatively, another way instead of using “table” you may also use “fluxResponse” and use an annotated CSV string as the value for “fluxResponse”. something like this:

        var csv = `#group,false,false,true,true,false,false,true,true,true,true

        var lineLayer = {
            type: "line",
            x: "_time",
            y: tokenName,
            fill: ["result", "_field", "_measurement", "cpu", "host"],
            colors: ["green", "red", "yellow"],
            interpolation: interpolation

        var config = {
            fluxResponse: csv,
            layers: [lineLayer],
            gridColor: gridColor

Beware of the spacing in the csv variable. it must be exactly as shown. See our documentation on annotated CSV for more information.

You can also adjust the “fill” property with fewer columnKeys in given example to see less or more information when you hover the graph

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Thank you so much @TCL735!!!


The first solution you give works fine for me.
For the moment I keep it but I think I’ll try the second one for more complex graphs.

Thank you @Anaisdg and @TCL735 for your help

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