Flux - top from all tables?


The question arose - how to get the top records among all tables after grouping?


mean = from(bucket: “db/rp”)
|> range($range)
|> filter(fn:(r) => r._measurement == “procstat”
and r._field == “memory_usage”
and r.host == “host.local”)
|> group(columns: [“process_name”, “pid”], mode:“by”)
|> mean()
|> top(n:10)

This query returns a result, where each group is a separate table and the top() function is tried on each table separately:


How do I get the top among all the tables?
Something like this:


Case - get the top processes for memory usage for the period.

Hi. You can use group() again after the mean.

mean = from(bucket: “db/rp”)
|> range($range)
|> filter(fn:® => r._measurement == “procstat”
and r._field == “memory_usage”
and r.host == “host.local”)
|> group(columns: [“process_name”, “pid”], mode:“by”)
|> mean()
|> group()
|> top(n:10)

This will give you the top 10 of all of the series.

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