I have data from 13 sensors (~650k points each) from the same source (same timestamp). I have been fighting most of the day trying to export a “normal” csv based on timestamp for processing. To my understanding, line protocol would work fine but I could only find information on outputting an annotated csv. How can I create a csv based on timestamp for all my datapoints?
example header: timestamp, tgs0, tgs1…tgs12
Follow-up: I chose to use influxdb/grafana to keep an eye on fielded equipment. With my data output requirements, would I be better off using a sql flavored db for keeping sensor data?
currently running ubuntu 22.04, influxdb v2.6.1, influx cli v2.7.3
Downgraded influxdb from 2.7 to 2.6.1 because the csv button in data explorer was gone, even after setting up https, self-signed cert.
- Was able to remove aggregation but can only export one sensor at a time in annotated csv format due to size.
curl-based query was limited to annotated csv.
“influxd inspect export-lp --bucket-id xxxxx --engine-path ~/.influxdbv2/engine --output-path ~/export.lp”
- cli status appears to have processed but file is empty