I’m trying to get the queue wait time for the queries running on db. But it’s failing with the below error. Could someone please help me on this.
2023-02-22T08:35:22Z E! [inputs.exec] Error in plugin: metric parse error: expected field at 1:20: "queue-wait-time for tstdb_loader time=22"
2023-02-22T08:35:22Z E! [inputs.exec] Error in plugin: metric parse error: expected field at 1:20: "queue-wait-time for tstdb_loader time=22"
Below is my conf
commands = ["/var/telegraf/telegraf.d/bin/get-vertica-queue-wait-time.sh"]
name_prefix = "ops_"
name_override = "_vertica_query_queue_wait_time"
interval = "1m"
data_format = "influx"