Error: failed to write data: 404 Not Found: organization name "noaa" not found


I’m trying to initiate with influx DB and I did two lessons, but I got the following error when a tried CLI commands.

$echo “mydata,mytag=foo myfield=1” | influx write --bucket “mybucket”

I got this error message:
Error: failed to write data: 404 Not Found: organization name “noaa” not found

I didin´t understand why I got this, I created “mybucket” and it was on influxDB cloud. Why message mentioned another bucket “nooa” . I’ve created to first lesson.


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Hi @Helder_Lima,
If you run the following command what do you see?

influx config list

To me, it looks like either a connection config hasn’t been setup or the wrong information was provided into the current connection config. Your org name should most likely be the email you signed up to cloud with.

helder@nazgulba:~$ influx config list
Active Name URL Org

I got this with command. But I didnt´t use email, sorry. I’m gonna do it

Thanks, It works. I put my email as org at command