Hello, I am just resetting up InfluxDB OSS V2 again as had issues - I have updated config.toml to point to a location that has more drivespace to run from - I am struggling to understand the setting of the below environment paths
The location i have chosen and updated within config.toml is
bolt-path = “/data/influxdb/influxd.bolt”
engine-path = “/data/influxdb/engine”
So for the above would I just run all 3 of these? am a little confused
influxd --bolt-path=~/data/influxdb/influxd.bolt
export INFLUXD_BOLT_PATH=~/data/influxdb/influxd.bolt
bolt-path = “/data/influxdb/influxd.bolt”
Same with the below?
influxd --engine-path=~/data/influxdb/engine
export INFLUXD_ENGINE_PATH=~/data/influxdb/engine
engine-path = “/data/influxdb/engine”
I am currently underway with this so any help appreciated (edited)