Edge Data reprication: How much data can be retained while connectivity is lost between cloud

Hello. about Edge Data replication.
I’m using Edge Data replication between InfluxDB OSS and InfluxDB OSS(like a Cloud) on local network.

those PC running on Windows10 Pro (21H1)
Influxdb Version 2.4

How much data can be retained while connectivity is lost between cloud.

I had bad network connection at Cloud side.
after recover connection, some of data are missing on Cloud.
Are there any settings for it?

Hello @Yutaka,
Hmm I’m not sure. I’m asking around. Thanks for your patience.
Please ping me tomorrow if I don’t respond end of day.

Ah ha! found it
maxQueueSizeBytes: Maximum replication queue size in bytes (default is 67108860 , must be greater than or equal to 33554430 ).

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Hello @Anaisdg
Thanks for information.
I appreciate your response :smile:
I realized that information and documents is on API section by your information.

I confirmed maxQueueSizeBytes will be enough with my situation.
I tested with bad communication condition.
“currentQueueSizeBytes” will reduce within each 10 to 20 sec.

I found following information at Github.
It seems to be similar things of mine.

So I will wait to fix this issue.

Thank you again!!

Hello @Anaisdg ,

I am a InfluxDB v2.6 user having setup remote replication between two InfluxDB 2.6 instances, one acting as local and one more as a cloud. I have the same condition as @Yutaka. The connection between local and cloud is very infrequent and the data replication has to be done for larger queue size. I want to know what is the maximum supported queue size for InfluxDB?

Many thanks in advance and looking forward to your suggestion!

Hello @Anaisdg
I’m also wondering about the maximum supported queue size (and maxAgeSeconds) for InfluxDB?
