Continuous Query CANNOT Run

Hi everyone! I’m new to InfluxData. I’m learning continuous query at this time. I want to resample my data and store the mean number of “passengers” into a new measurement “average_passengers”. I’m using CLI to do the query. It worked without warning but actually there was no new measurement created. I don’t know why.

Any suggestion would be helpful to me. Thank you.

Hello @xoxoboyu,
Can you please try writing some new data with more passengers? The continuous query doesn’t work on historical data. Perhaps the easiest way to test it out is by using Chronograf or the InfluxDB UI to write a couple points manually with line protocol.
The CQ measurement “avg_passengers” should be created after you write new data.

Thank you. The information really helps me!

Of course! Thanks for sharing your question :slight_smile:

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