Consumption monitoring

Good day

Hope all is well.

I am using Grafana for monitoring a 3phase electrical db. So I am receiving 3 values every 5 sec into the DB.

How can I calculate the total consumption used per month?

Please tell us at least which back-end data store you are using, and what
units the measurements are in (eg: Ampères, Watts, Joules, kWh…).



SO I am using a Shelly 3em to node red to influx to Grafana.
getting it in watts.

So, you have 3 values of power in Watts every 5 seconds going into InfluxDB,
and you want to know the total number of Watts consumed per month?

How about:

select sum(phase1)+sum(phase2)+sum(phase3) from yourtable where
topic=‘whatever’ and $timeFilter

Set “timeFrom” to “1M/M”

Let us know if that works, of if not, in what way the result isn’t correct.


Thanks for that
but you are going to need to give me more info. I am abit stupid with building quires
SELECT mean(“power2”) FROM “habbydb2” WHERE $timeFilter GROUP BY time($__interval) fill(null)

but you are going to need to give me more info. I am abit stupid with
building quires

Not stupid - just inexperienced.

SELECT mean(“power2”) FROM “habbydb2” WHERE $timeFilter GROUP BY
time($__interval) fill(null)

Okay, let’s start with that query - what is the problem with it?

Tell us what results it returns, and what result you expected it to return.


This query is giving me the latest value.

I need to view al 3phase

together for a period of 1 month.

need to have the actual power used.

So, try “mean(power1),mean(power2),mean(power3) from…”

And set the Absolute Time Range From=now/M and To=now/M
