Configuration specified the fields but they weren't used [outputs.postgresql]

So I think this may well be me simply misunderstanding the nature of this error but in my telegraf.conf I have the following inputs and outputs configured

#                            OUTPUT PLUGINS                                   #

  service_address = "http://:8888"
  namepass = ["internal_write"]
  tagpass = { output = ["influxdb"] }
    field = "buffer_size"
    lt = 1.0
    field = "buffer_size"

# Publishes metrics to a postgresql database

  connection = "host=localhost password=Password  user=postgres  sslmode=disable dbname=Metrics"

  tags_as_foreignkeys = true

  tag_table_suffix = "_builds"

#                            INPUT PLUGINS                                    #

# Generic HTTP write listener
  ## Address and port to host HTTP listener on
  service_address = ":8080"
  paths = ["/build-metrics"]
  methods = ["POST", "PUT"]
  data_source = "body"
  data_format = "json_v2"
      measurement_name = "build_status"
          path = "build.build_number"
          path = "build.stages.#.status"
          rename = "status"
          path = "build.stages.#.duration_seconds"
          rename = "duration"
          path = "build.stages.#.start"
          rename = "start"
          path = "build.stages.#.stage"
          rename = "stage"

And when I attempt to run it I get the error that tags_as_foreignkeys is specified but not used. How should it be used ? I thought it was just a parameter. The only way I’ve managed to make this plugin work so far is by running it with only the connection configured adding any other configuration ends in the same error.

Any help appreciated


Never used that plugin, but from what I see if you enable tags_as_foreignkeys you will also need to use tag_table_create_templates

Tried that and got the same issue, also tried setting tag_table_add_column_templates just to rule that out as well and got the same issue