Combining multiple series into new measurement (with new tag Location)

I’m new to TICK and recently I am stuck on a simple task:

to show data from temperature measurements from various weather stations in Grafana in GeoLoop plugin.

As for timeseries data, I need to restructure existing datasets in InfluxDb:

show measurements
    name: measurements

    select * from meteo_01 limit 3
    name: meteo_01
    time                 dew_point hum humint insol pressure rain temp tempint wind wind_dir
    ----                 --------- --- ------ ----- -------- ---- ---- ------- ---- --------
    2015-06-01T14:56:01Z 14        46  49           1015.7   0    26.5 26.3    0    8
    2015-06-01T15:26:01Z 14.6      50  49           1015.5   0    25.8 26.7    0    13
    2015-06-01T15:56:01Z 15.3      55  50           1015.5   0    24.9 26.9    0    13

Since I miss any tag in all meteo_* measurements, I was about to use continuous query to write them into new measurment and adding the tag location with that.

Unfortunately, my simple solution does not work:

SELECT INTO “geo_temp” ‘hill_top’ as location, mean(temp) FROM “meteo_01” WHERE …

since such operations with tags are not allowed (ERR: invalid expression type: *influxql.StringLiteral).

I am curious what it is the most straightforward way to do it – is that a batch TICKscript??
Any examples would be appreciated…