Collect "Jenkins Global Build Stats" with InfluxDB plugin installed in Jenkins


I know that @daniel is working on this topic and I want to thank him for this aspect.
<< Add an input plugin for jenkins "Global Build Stats" · Issue #3791 · influxdata/telegraf · GitHub >>

Regarding my issue till jenkins input plugin will be ready, if someone could help me with the below plugin that exists for the moment regarding Jenkins activity.
I’ve implemented this one and I faced a problem when trying to implement in the “Pipeline” the target for InfluxDB based on the below page recommendation.
Do you have any new recommendation about this implementation, was modified how to go further?

<< InfluxDB >>

System information:

  • InfluxDB Plugin 1.14.
  • Jenkins2.89.4.
  • Grafana 5.0.0.
  • InfluxDB 1.4.3.

**Metrics extracted from Jenkins:
jenkins_data and All but
Build health
Build status message
Build time
Job duration
Build result
Build result ordinal (0=Stable, 1=Unstable, 2=Failure, 3=Not built, 4=Aborted)
Successful build boolean
Last stable build number (or 0 if never)
Last successful build number (or 0 if never)
Tests failed (unit test results from JUnit Plugin)
Tests skipped (unit test results from JUnit Plugin)
Tests total (unit test results from JUnit Plugin)

Dashboard created by me with all the information that I could extract for the moment (unfortunately there are not so much info that I’ve expected to do a proper monitoring or KPI report).

I hope that the new [[inputs.jenkins]] plugin developed inside telegraf agent will cover other aspects like:
Jenkins itself: master node, slave node status/ health, version, cluster statistics, load statistics as: online executors/ busy executors/ available executors/ queue length, throughput, any other relevant info.
Builds: build time, status, health, build number, project, built on, last success, last duration, robot result, weather report, parallel builds, any other relevant info.
Pipeline: build time, status, health, build number, project, built on, last success, last duration, robot result, weather report, full stage view, parallel pipelines, any other relevant info.

Kind Regards,

HI fchiorascu

can you please share the dashboard json you created?

Hi @Ami_Mahloof,

Unfortunately I could not do this week because I’m in holiday, but next one I’ll share this dashboard with you.

Kind Regards,

Hi @fchiorascu
Please, could you share your dashboard with community.

Thanks in advance.


Hi any chance you can please share the dashboard?

Hi @fchiorascu
Please, could you also share your dashboard to me please?

Thanks in advance.

Hi @Ami_Mahloof @Petorus,

I’m really sorry for the late response.
I’ve changed all aspects and now I’m working on a “jenkins_exporter” new version in order to have this metrics. I’ll come back with an update about it when is ready, I didn’t use anymore the plugin from jenkins based on influxdb to collect the metrics, at some point doesn’t help you in a relevant way to measure the “time”, “status”, “succes” in a proper way having annotations on the graph.

Thank you and a nice weekend.
Kind Regards,