Cannot fetch records using multiple exact times in a WHERE clause

For the purposes of removing duplicate records from our Influx data store, we have a need to query for records that match mutliple exact series (including multiple tags as well as an exact time in nanoseconds).

It’s not working. I can query for a single exact time, but not multiple exact times joined with an OR. See the following example:

> SELECT * FROM user_scores WHERE time=1523652790841828008
name: user_scores
time                actor_id analytics_version event            is_admin_request org_id owner_id role  score_value user_id
----                -------- ----------------- -----            ---------------- ------ -------- ----  ----------- -------
1523652790841828008 95057    2.0.0             channel_followed 0                15              actor 40          95057

> SELECT * FROM user_scores WHERE time=1523652840173173970
name: user_scores
time                actor_id analytics_version event                is_admin_request org_id owner_id role  score_value user_id
----                -------- ----------------- -----                ---------------- ------ -------- ----  ----------- -------
1523652840173173970 95057    2.0.0             card_comment_created 0                15     95251    actor 10          95057

> SELECT * FROM user_scores WHERE time=1523652790841828008 OR time=1523652840173173970

To explain what’s going on here. I have two times, and when I query for records having those times individually, I get records for both. But when I try and get both records in a single query, I get nothing.

Certainly I could always simply give up on trying to query for multiple series at once. The reason I don’t want to do this, though, is because it’s slower. I’m intentionally trying to speed up the script by deleting multiple exact series at once.

I’m wondering why this shortcoming exists, and if there’s any workaround or plans to change the behavior in the future. Thanks to all who read this. - Max (analytics developer at Edcast)

By the way, I am using Influx version 1.4.3 and InfluxDB shell version: v1.5.3