[BUG] Unable to query tags for Ping input

I’ve been a little stuck getting the unique set of tags for the URL table created by the ping input, any ideas where I’ve gone wrong?

  interval = "60s"
  urls = ["", "2001:44b8:1::1", "", "2606:4700:4700::1111", "", "2001:4860:4860::8888"]
  count = 20
  ping_interval = 1.0
  timeout = 2.0

Query Output;

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ influx
Connected to http://localhost:8086 version 1.6.4
InfluxDB shell version: 1.6.4
> use telegraf
Using database telegraf
> SELECT * FROM ping limit 10;
name: ping
time                average_response_ms host        maximum_response_ms minimum_response_ms packets_received packets_transmitted percent_packet_loss result_code standard_deviation_ms ttl url
----                ------------------- ----        ------------------- ------------------- ---------------- ------------------- ------------------- ----------- --------------------- --- ---
1589897290000000000 4.571               raspberrypi 4.797               4.495               10               10                  0                   1           0.125                 51
1589897290000000000 16.599              raspberrypi 16.903              16.403              10               10                  0                   1           0.195                 54
1589897290000000000 4.548               raspberrypi 4.862               4.44                10               10                  0                   1           0.147                 56
1589897290000000000                     raspberrypi                                         0                10                  100                 1                                     2001:4860:4860::8888
1589897290000000000                     raspberrypi                                         0                10                  100                 1                                     2606:4700:4700::1111
1589897290000000000                     raspberrypi                                         0                10                  100                 1                                     2001:44b8:1::1
1589897350000000000                     raspberrypi                                         0                10                  100                 1                                     2606:4700:4700::1111
1589897350000000000                     raspberrypi                                         0                10                  100                 1                                     2001:44b8:1::1
1589897350000000000 4.52                raspberrypi 4.884               3.962               10               10                  0                   1           0.224                 56
1589897350000000000 5.079               raspberrypi 5.264               4.65                10               10                  0                   1           0.229                 51
> SHOW TAG VALUES from ping with KEY = url

This works for me

show tag values from “ping” with key = url

Mixture of both the methods you tried. Hopefully that gets it

Nope still no luck.

And its definitely a tag

> show field keys from ping
name: ping
fieldKey              fieldType
--------              ---------
average_response_ms   float
maximum_response_ms   float
minimum_response_ms   float
packets_received      integer
packets_transmitted   integer
percent_packet_loss   float
result_code           integer
standard_deviation_ms float
ttl                   integer
> show tag keys from ping
name: ping

Looks like I have a bad version, as per this related thread New Tag values not showing in “SHOW TAG VALUES” & Bug. Not sure why the devs haven’t rushed to fix this, its a pretty bad look when the latest stable build breaks right out of the box.

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