Bucket retentionrules

A user of my app is getting this message through the java client:
java.lang.NumberFormatException: Expected an int but was 4730400000 at line 14 column 32 path $.bucket[0].retentionRules[0].everySeconds

Where and how should he look?
As I understand the everySeconds should be 0 for infinite retention.

This Exception happens when querying for items in measurements se javacode below.
Normal queries for data works fine.
Before Christmas it all worked fine but now it behaves like this. He says he have not made any changes, just filled in more data.
I think he is using homeassistant and local InfluxDB server.


List<String> measurements = new ArrayList<>();
String flux= "import \"influxdata/influxdb/schema\" schema.measurements(bucket: \"" + influxBucket.bucket + "\")";
tables = queryApi.query(flux);
if(tables != null && tables.size() > 0){
FluxTable table = tables.get(0);
for(FluxRecord record :table.getRecords()){
      String measurement = (String) record.getValueByKey("_value");
      if(measurement != null)measurements.add(measurement);             
fieldsByMeasurementsList = new ArrayList<>();
for(String measurement : measurements){
     flux= "import \"influxdata/influxdb/schema\" schema.measurementFieldKeys(bucket: \"" + influxBucket.bucket + "\", measurement: \"" + measurement + "\")";
     tables = queryApi.query(flux);
     if(tables != null && tables.size() > 0){
         InfluxFieldsByTag influxFieldsByTag = new InfluxFieldsByTag(measurement);
         FluxTable table = tables.get(0);
         for(FluxRecord record :table.getRecords()){
               String item = (String) record.getValueByKey("_value");