I want to set up separate production and staging DBs on InfluxCloud which should have approximately the same data (they should be the same in terms of upload, but it’s possible that the retention policies might differ or something like that). What’s the best way of setting this up? Data is currently being uploaded using InfluxDB-Python.
Follow-up question: if at some point I want to sync the staging DB to production, how should I do that?
The above article also mentions replication via Kapacitor (i.e. via a TICK script), which provides you near-infinite flexibility but may take a bit more effort to set up if you haven’t got it running already.
Another option which could be extremely neat (if it worked) would be to set up a “subscription” from one database to the other: Manage subscriptions in InfluxDB | InfluxDB OSS 1.7 Documentation. However, subscriptions are designed for replicating data from one host to another, and while I’m pretty sure you could just point the writes to localhost, I don’t see a way to modify the DB name - which is necessary here.