Backup from influxdb Docker container


i’m currently working on a system that backup data from a influxdb.
I have on Docker container that is the original influxdb container.
A other is a node.js Container that calls the influxdb backup command. The command can’t be aviable in this container, for this i only using the part getting the binaries from the original docker file.

If i start a remote backup with the node.js container i became following error:

/usr/app # influxd backup -database sensorData -host influxdb:8088 app/output/backup/influxdb/10-01-2018_21-31-10-00
2018/01/10 21:31:21 backing up db=sensorData since 0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC
2018/01/10 21:31:21 backing up metastore to app/output/backup/influxdb/10-01-2018_21-31-10-00/meta.00
2018/01/10 21:31:21 backing up db=sensorData rp=autogen shard=2 to app/output/backup/influxdb/10-01-2018_21-31-10-00/sensorData.autogen.00002.00 since 0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC
2018/01/10 21:31:22 Download shard 2 failed copy backup to file: err=<nil>, n=0.  Retrying (0)...
2018/01/10 21:31:23 Download shard 2 failed copy backup to file: err=<nil>, n=0.  Retrying (1)...
2018/01/10 21:31:24 Download shard 2 failed copy backup to file: err=<nil>, n=0.  Retrying (2)...
2018/01/10 21:31:25 Download shard 2 failed copy backup to file: err=<nil>, n=0.  Retrying (3)...
2018/01/10 21:31:26 Download shard 2 failed copy backup to file: err=<nil>, n=0.  Retrying (4)...
2018/01/10 21:31:27 Download shard 2 failed copy backup to file: err=<nil>, n=0.  Retrying (5)...
2018/01/10 21:31:28 Download shard 2 failed copy backup to file: err=<nil>, n=0.  Retrying (6)...
2018/01/10 21:31:29 Download shard 2 failed copy backup to file: err=<nil>, n=0.  Retrying (7)...
2018/01/10 21:31:30 Download shard 2 failed copy backup to file: err=<nil>, n=0.  Retrying (8)...
2018/01/10 21:31:31 Download shard 2 failed copy backup to file: err=<nil>, n=0.  Retrying (9)...
2018/01/10 21:31:32 backup failed: copy backup to file: err=<nil>, n=0
backup: copy backup to file: err=<nil>, n=0