I am having difficulty configuring writing to the v1 API of 2.0.2
- created a fresh install with new bucket for this setup rather than a migration from 1.8 to 2.0.2
- setup Auth v1 User with pw access to read and write to my new bucket
- testing v1 /write with a Curl statement so far is giving me Authorization failure with Basic and Token Auth.
I am a bit confused when looking at the instructions and examples vs the api notation.
in the v1 /write method
In the case of basic auth, the curl example shows to use a header as:
-header "Authorization: Basic username:YourAuthToken" \
but in the v1 /write documentation it shows these as query paramenters
to be backward compatible I would think that supporting the username and pw as a query parameter would be necessary.
It is unclear to me when creating an v1 Auth user how or if a token can be assigned to the user. If the v1 /write method I am using a token for pw or token should it not be the token for this user?