Alert-template for JSON body in kapacitor.conf

I try to configure an alert’s endpoint in “kapacitor.conf” with the following JSON body :
endpoint = “alertEndPoint”
url = “http://nginx/api/cbox/kapacitor/event
headers = { Content-Type = “application/json” }
alert-template = “"id": "{{ .ID }}", "level": "{{ .Level }}"”
alert-template-file = “”
row-template = “”
row-template-file = “”
username = “kapacitor”
password = “kapacitor”

But the body’s request generated by the alert doesn’t contain the opening and closing braces for a JSON body, as you can see below :
“id”: “f39c645b-12ad-41fe-8477-13f80ac52566”, “level”: “CRITICAL”

Do you know how to add the opening and closing braces in the alert-template ?