Kapacitor template file with custom formating


I’m new to kapacitor alerting stuffs, I would like to send alert throug kapacitor with template file. Is it possible to customize the output layout json format?

If yes, how, and where can I find a good example/doc of it?

ex.: my datails field should looks like

"message variable": "Hey, check you values.... variable",

       "ExceptionType": "MyExceptionType",
       "ObjectKey1": 11111, 
       "ObjectKey2": 22222

 "recoverable": false,
 "data": {
            "series": [
                    "name": "tblSometable",
                    "tags": {
                        "KeyVal001": "14",
                        "KeyVal002": "12"
                    "columns": [
                    "values": [