writePoints on the getWriteApi object of NodeJs library for many records

I’m using the NodeJs library to write many records at once via the writePoints method. The nature of the infrastructure I’m gathering telemetry from is that the MCU stores telemetry points locally on the PCB storage, then sends those up to the cloud every 8 hours. Each machine will report about 160 points every 8 hours. And there will be about 700 machines (each reporting at different times throughout the day)

A lambda function instance is fired up per machine so each instance is responsible for firing off about 160 data points to the influx cloud service.

Will the writePoints handle that amount of points?

And, why do you specify to run close() after a writePoint? Doesn’t that circumvent the method from buffering and and eventually getting all the points transferred over? Do I need to call close() after a writePoints method call containing 160 points? Or, do I need to listen for if the method hasn’t finished within a timeout and then call the close method if necessary? Your documentation is confusing as to really what the proper way to use it is.

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writePoint(s) always writes to an internal buffer that optimizes the communication with InfluxDB. This buffer is OOTB flushed automatically when it contains more than 1000 points, or it gets greater than 50MB, or every minute. It is also flushed programmatically by calling writeApi.flush or writeApi.close. I belive that the documentation points this out in

Simply said, WriteApi.close flushes the data that were not written to InfluxDB yet and destroys itself properly (cancel the internal timers). Things are in fact a bit more complicated because the WriteAPI also automatically retries failed writes, but it should not bother you since you probably write the data in a short-lived lambda function executions.

Note also that flush or close (unlike write) returns a promise, so the client code is expected to await for the points to get written into InfluxDB. WriteApi is shown in commented examples, the basic usage is shown in write example. There is also writeAdvanced example that also shows how to disable automatic flush and control the way how the points are flushed by the code.

Anyway, if there are some inconsistencies in the docs or examples that confused you, can you please point to them specifically, or create an issue or contribute with the suggested documentation changes, so we could possibly make the client better. Thank you.

The Cloud InfluxDB limits the writes depending on the plan of your subscription/organization. AFAIK the free plan lets you write 5MB of line protocol data every 5 minutes. You can observe how much bytes a single point takes on the wire by calling Point.toLineProtocol() method and make assuptions on you own based on the count of points that you expect to write.

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Ok. Where the documentation is confusing, to me at least, is the ambiguity in the process in which the writes are buffered and sent. Does writePoints() keep the nodesjs process active indefinitely as it tries and keeps retrying the writes to influxDBs API (at least until the lambda itself times out? If I don’t call WriteApi.close or flush after writePoints is the process never going to exit? And, most confusing, by calling close() am I flushing away points that may not have been written yet and therefore I’m losing data… without even knowing what I’ve lost? That’s the scary part. Or, by calling close(), does the process stay active and keep retrying the writes and then just resolves the Promise once its successfully complete? Or is there a timeout in which, if points are unsuccessfully written, close() aborts the process and resolves the Promise anyway? And, if the process is aborted, how do I keep track of what points where NOT successfully written?

I would most appreciate clarification on these questions. And I believe many others would benefit by these answers here and in the docs as well.

It is necessary to explain the internals of the WriteApi implementation to fully understand what is happening. It works with two internal buffered structures, write buffer and retry buffer, The below description is extracted from reading the code.

write buffer contains lines that were not sent to InfluxDB yet

  • this buffer is required to optimize communication to InfluxDB
  • lines are appended to this buffer by every writeXYZ function of the API, data points are converted to protocol lines when they are added to the buffer
  • the maximum capacity of the buffer is set to 1000 lines or 50MB; if the buffer is full, the lines are sent to InfluxDB
  • a timer is scheduled to send the buffer contents right after the buffer becomes non-empty, after 60 seconds by default, the timer is canceled everytime the data is sent
  • the buffer can be flushed programatically to send its data to InfluxDB by writeApi.flush, writeApi.close also calls writeApi.flush
  • a buffer becomes empty right before its content is sent to InfluxDB

retry buffer contains lines that failed to write to InfluxDB

  • lines are added to the retry buffer after sending the lines to Influxdb fails and the result error is recoverable (networking/unrecognized errors, write HTTP status code >= 429)
  • the retry buffer keeps up to 32_000 lines by default, whenever its maximum size exceeds, the oldest lines are removed for the newer lines to fit in, an error message is written to log when this happens, the removed lines are lost
  • when lines are added to the retry buffer, an internal entry is created to accompany these lines with expiration time for these lines to retry (180 seconds by default) and the count of already failed retries of these lines (initially 0)
  • the retry buffer entry is scheduled for retrying
    • the InfluxDB server can inform about the delay that is required to resend the failed lines, if it is found (After HTTP header present in the response), the send operation is scheduled to happen initially at that time, otherwise the next execution time is scheduled with a variant of an exponential backoff algorithm that randomizes the next send operation with respect to already failed retries (bigger delay after more failures).
    • the retry operation can OOTB happen at most 5 times, with delays varying from 5 to 125 seconds (and a random jitter of 200ms), the lines are not retried after exceeding 180 seconds after they first failed
  • before the send operation is executed, the lines are removed from retry buffer, they can be re-added to the retry buffer after sending of the retried lines fail
  • internal retry mechanism is quite complicated, it can be turned off by setting up maxRetries to 0 in writeOptions (passed when creating the WriteApi), the implementation can then retry the failed writes on its own

the send operation sends the supplied lines and handles write failures with retry buffer, its implementation is sendBatch

  • if the send operation succeeds, writeSuccess is called if configured in the writeOptions
  • if the send operation fails (for whatever reason)
    • writeFailed function is called (when configured), this method can return a Promise to inform that the function provides a failure recovery on its own, otherwise a default error failure recovery is applied:
      • if the lines already expire or exceed the maximum retry count, an error is written to Log ( customizable with setLogger function), the lines are lost
      • otherwise, a warning is written into Log about a failed write attempt and the failed lines are added to the retry buffer
    • when writeApi.flush was called programatically, the calling code is informed about the failure by a rejected promise

The node.js process keeps running until there are some tasks in the event loop. The writeAPI implementation creates two timers that create such tasks:

  • a timer that writes the lines that were not sent yet, expires at most after 60 seconds
  • a timer that retries the lines that failed to write, expires after the failed lines are successfully written or expire

Both timers are canceled by calling writeApi.close or writeApi.dispose. An unfinished networking communication with InfluxDB can also block the node.js process from exiting. The networking timeout is set by default to 10 seconds.

Now I can try to answer your specific questions:

Does writePoints() keep the nodesjs process active indefinitely as it tries and keeps retrying the writes to influxDBs API (at least until the lambda itself times out?

An unflushed write buffer or entries in a retry buffer keeps the node process running. Write buffer gets empty after at most 60 seconds (by default) and then it cannot keep the process running anymore. The retry buffer can take much more time to get empty, the timer keeps the process running until all possible retries are executed.

If I don’t call WriteApi.close or flush after writePoints is the process never going to exit?

It will, but it can take minutes to happen, depending on the content of the retry buffer.

And, most confusing, by calling close() am I flushing away points that may not have been written yet and therefore I’m losing data… without even knowing what I’ve lost?

The close OOTB sends the lines that were not written to InfluxDB yet and then terminates all the retries of the lines that already failed. You can lose the data that were not written yet (close returns with a rejected Promise) and you will lose all the lines that already failed to write.

Or, by calling close(), does the process stay active and keep retrying the writes and then just resolves the Promise once its successfully complete?

No, close will stop retrying. The returned promise informs about the result of the lines that were not written yet. You can call writeApi.flush(true) to try to flush both write and retry buffer, the lines in the retry buffer can be then lost depending on the setting of maxRetries (5) and maxRetryTime (180 seconds) in writeOptions.

Or is there a timeout in which, if points are unsuccessfully written, close() aborts the process and resolves the Promise anyway?

Close should let process exit right after it sends the lines that were not sent yet.

And, if the process is aborted, how do I keep track of what points where NOT successfully written?

Your implementation can be informed about failed and successful writes via callbacks. You are also free to implement a retry mechanism on your own, it might be better for your case.

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