I am customizing the telegraf.conf and put it under telegraf.d directory.
I am installing the service with below command:
C:\Program Files\Telegraf\base> .\telegraf.exe -config ‘C:\Program Files\Telegraf\base\telegraf.conf’ -config-directo
ry ‘C:\Program Files\Telegraf\base\telegraf.d’ --service install
Its running successfully. Telegraf service is also running successfully.
The problem is : It does not read the file under telegraf.d. I dont see anything in logs too. Please guide.
If service is not running, then how the logs would be picked up. Sorry I didnt get the question. The problem is customized config is not picked up in telegraf.d but when I make it as main telegraf.conf , it works.
I modified the logfile path to some other location to verify the logs are written from the file in telegraf.d , but logfile is not even created , it means that file is not picked up on telegraf running in windows.