Why do i get two records for the same day when i do daily rollups?


I am using continuous query to rollup data for every 24 hrs

CREATE CONTINUOUS QUERY "cq_daily" ON "test" BEGIN SELECT sum( "bytes" ) as "byte_sum" ,sum( "duration" ) as "duration_sum" ,count( "bytes" ) AS "total_requests" INTO "three_months" . "daily_rollups" FROM "two_weeks" . "requests" GROUP BY site,time(1d) fill( 0 ) END

Now, for the above query, I see two records for the same day

Why do I have 2 records for the same day when I have a group by time as 1d?

Hello @naveenrt23,

Thanks for your question? How many sites do you have? Perhaps the GROUP BY site is outputting two sums for each site calculated over a 1d period?

I feel bummed.Sorry…you’re right…we have a record per site.


@naveenrt23 no worries! That’s what we’re here for :wink: