What configuration is the best reading .csv, .kv. .js files?

I’m completely new with influx and grafana and would like to ask for basic help.
I work on a project to store and display given weather data into a database.
The sourcd for this data is a program made by
Reader for WH1080 weatherdata via radio 868MHz
It works very good und it provides data with either csv, js or kv format.
The data are provided every minutes.
I would like to store the actual data evry 15 minutes into a database.
Maybe somebody could help me!
Thanks a lot in advance

Hello @k-str,
Have you have a chance to look at telegraf?

Please take a look at the file input plugin with the csv format.

thanks a lot for your answer.
I found a solution by using this C++ client for influxDB:
influx C++ client
and grafana 1.8.2.
It works perfect for me.

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