Hi all,
I built out a TIG stack as a learning experience on a fragile box that I use for testing. Then I learned I really really loved it.
Can someone share some advice on migrating to a new host?
I have Telegraf running on a number of hosts. I know I’ll need to change the IP address of each and point them at the new host.
But what about the config on my current Influxdb? What can I/Should I move?
And what about the data in the DB? Its not absolutely required, but it sure would be nice to have if its not to terribly hard.
I am moving from an Ubuntu 18.04 host to a Debian host OMV to be exact.
I might put it all in a container if that isn’t too difficult to do… Run the container like a pet and not cattle.
Would I run it in one Ubuntu Container or should I build different ones for each service, one InfluxDB, and one Grafana container?
Thank you for the advice.