Visualizing downsample data influxdb 2.0

Hi, does anyone have any idea on how to visualize the downsampled data from influxdb 2.x to Grafana? I have created tasks to aggregate the raw data, but still at a dead end on how to visualize the downsampled data dynamically using the time range control just like in influxdb 1.x…

Hello @faiz,
Welcome! What does your task look like? Where are you writing the downsampled data to?
Can you please share your task and the query you’re using to try and visualize the results? Are you able to visualize the results of your task with InfluxDB?

I am writing the downsampled data into a different bucket . The downsampled data can be visualized with InfluxDB by itself but it cannot be displayed dynamically in Grafana i.e. only display downsampled data when the time range selected is beyond the source bucket retention period.

Task I am running:
|option task = {name: “cq_mem_20sto30m”, every: 30m, offset: 10m}
from(bucket: “telegraf”)
|> range(start: -task.every)
|> filter(fn: (r) =>
(r._measurement == “vsphere_vm_mem”))
|> filter(fn: (r) =>
(r._field == “active_average” or r._field == “swapin_average” or r._field == “latency_average” or r._field == “swapout_average” or r._field == “usage_average” or r._field == “vmmemctl_average”))
|> aggregateWindow(every: task.every, fn: mean)
|> set(key: “_measurement”, value: “:MEASUREMENT”)
|> group(columns: [“vmname”])
|> filter(fn: (r) =>
(exists r._value))
|> to(org: “organization”, bucket: “telegraf_ds”)|

Previously, we did this method to select which data to use (raw or downsampled) in InfluxDB 1.x. Is there any equivalent approach to this?
USE mydb
INSERT INTO persistent grafana_rp rp=“1_Minute” 604800000000000
INSERT INTO persistent grafana_rp rp=“10_Minutes” 2592000000000000|

I am writing the downsampled data into a different bucket . The downsampled data can be visualized with InfluxDB by itself but it cannot be displayed dynamically in Grafana i.e. only display downsampled data when the time range selected is beyond the source bucket retention period.

Task I am running:

option task = {name: “cq_mem_20sto30m”, every: 30m, offset: 10m}
from(bucket: “telegraf”)

range(start: -task.every)
filter(fn: (r) =>
(r._measurement == “vsphere_vm_mem”))
filter(fn: (r) =>
(r._field == “active_average” or r._field == “swapin_average” or r._field == “latency_average” or r._field == “swapout_average” or r._field == “usage_average” or r._field == “vmmemctl_average”))
aggregateWindow(every: task.every, fn: mean)
set(key: “_measurement”, value: “:MEASUREMENT”)
group(columns: [“vmname”])
filter(fn: (r) =>
(exists r._value))
to(org: “organization”, bucket: “telegraf_ds”)|

Previously, we did this method to select which data to use (raw or downsampled) in InfluxDB 1.x. Is there any equivalent approach to this?
CREATE RETENTION POLICY "persistent" ON mydb DURATION INF REPLICATION 1 USE mydb INSERT INTO persistent grafana_rp rp="1_Minute" 604800000000000 INSERT INTO persistent grafana_rp rp="10_Minutes" 2592000000000000

Hello @faiz,
I’m sorry, I’m not that familiar with grafana so I’m having trouble understanding.
Can you query data from that downsampled bucket in grafana?

Yes, I can query the data from the downsampled bucket in grafana. What I’m looking for is, does InfluxDB 2.0 provides the equivalent to this where we create a cq with one function and writing the results to another retention policy?

> CREATE CONTINUOUS QUERY minnie_jr ON world BEGIN SELECT min(mouse) INTO world."7days".min_mouse FROM world."1day".zoo GROUP BY time(30m) END